NUSTAR Technical Board (TB)
The NUSTAR Technical Board (TB) consists of the Project Managers/Technical Directors of the NUSTAR Experiments, the chair persons of the Common Working Groups and the NUSTAR Project Management Team. The TB is chaired by the PM. The TB is responsible for the coordination of all technical aspects of the NUSTAR sub-projects, i.e. the NUSTAR Experiments including the Super-FRS and the activities of the Common Working Groups. The TB reports to the Board of representatives (BR), respectively the Collaboration Committee (CC).
Members of the Technical Board
NUSTAR Project Management Team
- Project Manager / Technical Coordinator: Helena Albers
NUSTAR Resource Coordinator: Alexander Herlert
NUSTAR Experiment's Project Managers and Technical Directors (Deputies)
- HISPEC-DESPEC: Magda Gorska
- MATS: Zoran Andelkovic, Frank Herfurth
- LaSpec: Zoran Andelkovic, Kristian König
- R3B: Heiko Scheit, Roman Gernhäuser (Julien Taieb)
- ILIMA: Helmut Weick (Yuri Litvinov)
- ELISE: Haik Simon
- EXL: Haik Simon
- Super-FRS Experiment: Muhsin Harakeh (Tuomas Grahn)
- SHE: Alexander Yakushev
- DAQ/FEE: Haik Simon
- Calorimeters: Dolores Cortina Gil
- Silicon detectors: Oleg Kiselev
- Simulations: Mark Labiche
- Neutron detectors: Daniel Cano Ott
- Tracking detectors: Plamen Boutachkov
NUSTAR Infrastructure Working Group
- Helena Albers
- Frederic Ameil
- Jürgen Gerl
- Alexander Herlert
- Petra Hofmann
- Stephane Pietri
- Chairperson of the NUSTAR Board: Wolfram Korten
- Sub-Project Leader Super-FRS: Haik Simon (Martin Winkler)
- Sub-Project Leader NUSTAR Experimental Areas: Jürgen Gerl
NUSTAR Technical Board Members (in alphabetic order)
Current information according to the NUSTAR database: