The NUSTAR sub-collaborations and experiments
NUSTAR encompasses all experiments that will be benefiting from the unique possibilities opened up through the Super-FRS, which will deliver an unprecedented range of radioactive ion beams (RIBs). The experiments will exploit beams of different energies and characteristics at three branches; the high-energy branch utilizes the RIBs at relativistic energies (300-1500 MeV/u) as created in the production process, the low-energy branch aims at using beams in the range of 0-300 MeV/u, whereas the ring branch will exploit cooled and stored beams in the storage rings. These projects are gathered within the NUSTAR collaboration and share development and other synergies across the projects.
High-Resolution in-flight Spectroscopy and Decay Spectroscopy
Precision measurements of very short-lived nuclei using an advanced trapping system
Laser spectroscopy
Reactions with relativistic radioactive beams
Isomeric beams, lifetimes and masses
Electron-ion scattering in a storage Ring
Exotic nuclei studied in light-ion induced reactions at the storage ring
Super-FRS Experiment Collaboration
Super-Heavy Element Research