NUSTAR Management Team
The task of the NUSTAR management is to implement the project in the most satisfactory way, i.e. along the time line, within budget, according to specifications, and in coherence with FAIR in general. The NUSTAR organization foresees a Project Management Team for that task.
Contact: NUSTAR(at)

Technical Coordinator (TC)
Helena Albers, FAIR/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
The NUSTAR Technical Coordinator (TC) acts as Project manager (PM) of NUSTAR. Together with the NUSTAR Resource Coordinator, the TC coordinates the technical realization of the NUSTAR experiments within the given resources and time plan. The TC reports on the progress of the overall project. The TC monitors the conformity of NUSTAR equipment regarding safety and quality standards.

Former Technical Coordinator (TC)
Jürgen Gerl, GSI Darmstadt, Germany

Resource Coordinator (RC)
Alexander Herlert, FAIR GmbH Darmstadt, Germany
The NUSTAR Resource Coordinator (RC) is responsible for coordinating the financial planning and other resource issues of the collaboration. The RC is responsible in particular for the management of the common resources of the collaboration (common funds). The RC acts as FAIR-NUSTAR Resource Coordinator.