Information for scientific users at FAIR
The scientific user community of FAIR is organised in a set of experimental collaborations, which in itself are grouped in the four scientific pillars of FAIR (in alphabetical order):
In case of an interest to join the scientific opportunities at FAIR please follow the link to the Experiments by further selecting the collaboration you are interested in. Note that the future experiments the General Conditions for experiments at FAIR and the general regulations regarding safety (see the note on this page) apply. A summary of the scientific activities can be found via pages describing the FAIR research.

FAIR Phase-0 has successfully started in the beginning of 2019 with the generous support by some of the shareholders and the associate partner of FAIR. The annual operation plans can be found via the GSI operations department . Please visit the applying for beamtime information pages to get information on the submission of experiment proposals, which will be evaluated by the respective Program Advisory Committees (PACs). Further information for users can found via the user pages and links therein.