Controls WG
Contact: H. Wörtche (KVI), H. Simon (GSI)
The basic approach for a NUSTAR Control System (NSC), is based on the idea, that the NCS provides control of the main NUSTAR detectors. We envision a NUSTAR experimental setup as consisting of one or a combination of specific detector systems (EXL, R3B, ILIMA, LEB, ELISe, HISPEC, DESPEC), which might change in their specific configuration and might also be set up at varying locations. The specific detector systems, which are set up at specific locations of the FAIR facility and which are bound to run in combination for an experimental investigation, constitute what is referred to as experimental setup. Because of this flexibility it is required, that the NSC offers the feature of fast, effective and reliable adaptation to the actual experimental setup. This requirement is a very specific feature of the NSC and is reflected in our system design requirements.