Romania in FAIR
Romania signed the FAIR Convention on 4 October 2010 in Wiesbaden.
Since 2008, The Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) financed the RO-FAIR project, in support to the FP7 Project "FAIR Preparatory Phase" to which Romania was part. RO-FAIR created a Committee for the Romanian participation to FAIR which became operational in 2008. The role of the Committee was to coordinate the actions of different institutions (research, education, industry) involved in the FAIR project and to ensure the intercommunication between them and with the FAIR organisms. As a result of these concerted actions, Romania signed in August 2010 the Founding Act of the FAIR Company.
Presently, the activity of the Committee is coordinated by ANCS.
The Romanian shareholder is the Ministry of Research Innovation and Digitalization.