Optical beam diagnosis for intense ion beams

Technische Universität München

The goal of the project is to develop a fully optical beam diagnostic for intense ion beams at GSI/FAIR which cannot be diagnosed by other methods. The concept is to observe the beam induced scintillation light of a gas target with cameras. Optical filters have to be used to observe the scintillation only at wavelengths which represent the spatial distribution of the primary projectiles and not the halo of the beam which is e.g. induced by secondary electrons. Extensive spectroscopic studies will be necessary to identify the appropriate optical transitions for various conditions (type of projectile, target density etc.). The study will be performed at GSI/FAIR as much as possible. Basic studies will be performed at the Munich Tandem van de Graaff accelerator partly with existing equipment. Electron beam excitation will also be used to study the emission spectra without the necessity to apply for a beam-time and to obtain reference spectra representing the excitation by the secondary electrons.

PD Dr. Andreas Ulrich
Physik Department