The first FAIR storage ring, the so-called CRYRING, is ready to conduct experiments for the scientific research community. CRYRING is an extremely successful ion storage ring that has enabled key research contributions in atomic and molecular physics in Stockholm for many years. It was brought to GSI and FAIR in Darmstadt as a Swedish in-kind contribution. Here it was modernized, adapted to FAIR standards and connected to the experimental storage ring ESR at GSI under the project name…
This year marks the 20th time that the The Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions (Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen) has honored young scientists with the Christoph Schmelzer Award. The association honored the two best doctoral dissertations and the best master’s thesis of 2018 with prize money of €1,500 for each dissertation and €750 for the master’s thesis.
Dr. Christian Möhler (Heidelberg University), Dr. Patrick Wohlfahrt (TU Dresden), and…
During the September 2017 beam time a major milestone has been achieved for commissioning the low energy storage ring facility CRYRING@ESR. Single charged hydrogen molecules, H2+ ions, were produced in the local ion source, accelerated to 300 keV/nucleon, injected into CRYRING@ESR, stored and accelerated up to 1 MeV/nucleon. This is a major step on the way towards experiments at CRYRING with slow, heavy, highly charged ions as part of the FAIR Phase Zero physics program and beyond.
Since 2013…
The administration of GSI and FAIR has sent out a Call for Proposals for experiments in "FAIR Phase-0" to be conducted during the beamtime periods of 2018 and 2019. Deadline for submission is May 31st, 2017.
Call for ProposalsG-PAC websiteSubmission interface
Substantial progress has been made in the construction of the CRYRING ion storage ring. During this year, all of the ring’s segments have been installed and aligned, and all of the magnets are now in their final positions and fully wired. An ion beam recently made its first turn — its first complete circulation through the entire ring. The CRYRING is a very successful ion storage ring. It was used in Stockholm for many years, where it enabled research to make considerable progress in nuclear and…

CRYRING@ESR is an international project and the first new installation of the upcoming FAIR accelerator complex. The ring offers excellent opportunities for research in many active research fields and is highly significant for several APPA collaborations. With the capabiltity to store highly charged ions in a ring at small energies, new glimpes into atomic and nuclear physics, materials research, astro-chemistry or biomolecular physics may be realized by studies of the reaction dynamics and the…

We are pleased to announce that the SPARC and GSI teams involved in the installation of CRYRING@ESR successfully tested the beam transport from ESR to CRYRING. During the last days, our team extracted C6+ ions from ESR at 6 MeV/u (corresponding to Bρ ≈ 0.7 Tm) in a micro second bunch and transported this beam to the first diagnostic station in CRYRING. The modified transport beam line ESR towards CRYRING has been fully operational, including the newly built magnetic septum in CRYRING.…

To register APPA-related news or stories, please contact M. Lestinsky.