NUSTAR News Archive:
Contract awarded to ASG Superconductors SpA in Genoa (Italy) to design and manufacture Super-FRS multiplets .

The last production steps at CEA Saclay (France) have been completed and the GLAD magnet is being prepared for its move to GSI.

The Annual Meeting of the NUSTAR Collaboration took place at GSI from March 2 until March 6. Over 200 international participants discussed recent research results and technical development related to the NUSTAR program at FAIR.

In January 2015, Luis Fraile (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) was elected by the NUSTAR Council for a two-year term (2015-2017) as member of the NUSTAR Board of Representatives.

The GLAD magnet – a totally new development weighing in at 60 tonnes – has now been completed in Saclay, France. The magnet will separate charged particles from uncharged neutrons for the NUSTAR experiment at FAIR.
The first high-voltage distributors for the neutron detector NeuLAND within the FAIR research collaboration NUSTAR have arrived from Russia’s Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI).
Members of the newly formed SHE Collaboration met at GSI to discuss the organizational structure and steps towards joining NUSTAR as additional sub-collaboration.

The NUSTAR Collaboration met in Valencia, Spain, on September 23-26 to hold the NUSTAR Week 2014.