NUSTAR latest news

The first fully refurbished Super-FRS long multiplet arrived at GSI.
Long multiplet LM11 at the CERN testing facility waiting for the transport to GSI
The NUSTAR Construction MoU has been endorsed by the funding agencies at the 13th FAIR-RRB meeting.
The MATS Collaboration elected a new Spokesperson: Tommi Eronen from University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Tommi Eronen, Univ. Jväskylä
From February 26 to March 1, the NUSTAR Annual Meeting took place at GSI. More than 150 registered participants on-site, as well as more than 50 participants connected on-line, discussed the present status of FAIR and NUSTAR.
Conference photo (G. Otto, GSI)
Andrea Jungclaus (IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain) has been elected as new Spokesperson of the HISPEC/DESPEC Collaboration.
Andrea Jungclaus
After a three year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic and following the NUSTAR Week 2019 in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, the NUSTAR community had its collaboration meeting once again outside of GSI. This time, the NUSTAR Week 2023 was hosted by IFIN-HH and ELI-NP in Bucharest/Magurele, Romania.
NUSTAR conference photo