NUSTAR latest news
The first fully refurbished Super-FRS long multiplet arrived at GSI.

The NUSTAR Construction MoU has been endorsed by the funding agencies at the 13th FAIR-RRB meeting.

The MATS Collaboration elected a new Spokesperson: Tommi Eronen from University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

From February 26 to March 1, the NUSTAR Annual Meeting took place at GSI. More than 150 registered participants on-site, as well as more than 50 participants connected on-line, discussed the present status of FAIR and NUSTAR.

Andrea Jungclaus (IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain) has been elected as new Spokesperson of the HISPEC/DESPEC Collaboration.

After a three year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic and following the NUSTAR Week 2019 in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, the NUSTAR community had its collaboration meeting once again outside of GSI. This time, the NUSTAR Week 2023 was hosted by IFIN-HH and ELI-NP in Bucharest/Magurele, Romania.