NUSTAR News Archive:
The fusion reaction of carbon and helium to oxygen is the key to understanding the evolution of stars and the relative abundances of both elements.
In April 2019, the first superconducting multiplet magnet has been delivered to CERN and will be subjected to detailed quality tests, both for the operational parameters and the magnetic field quality.

For the MONSTER detector (MOdular Neutron SpecrtromeTER) of the HISPEC/DESPEC experiment a milestone was achieved: 50 out of 100 planned detector modules have been installed for measuring the 85As βn decay at the JYFL accelerator laboratory in Jyväskylä (Finland).

The NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2019 was held at GSI from February 25 to March 1, jointly organized with the NUSPRASEN workshop on super-heavy element research.

The NUSTAR Week 2018 was hosted by the University of Milan and by the INFN section of Milan. More than 90 international participants discussed the present status of the NUSTAR experiments and the plans for the Phase-0 program.

On April 26, 2018, Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, former NUSTAR Spokesperson (2014-2018), has been appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion.

Björn Jonson, presently Chair of the NUSTAR Council, has been rewarded with the Russian Great Gold Medal, the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), for his outstanding contributions to nuclear physics.

The NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2018 was held at GSI from February 26 to March 2. Over 160 international participants discussed the substantial progress in the realization of FAIR and the NUSTAR experiments, especially the development and realization of detector setups and their associated infrastructure, both for Phase-0 and Phase-1.

During the NUSTAR Annual meeting 2018, the NUSTAR Board of Representatives elected among its members Wolfram Korten (CEA Saclay, France) as new Spokesperson of NUSTAR.