NUSTAR Events Archive:

NUSTAR Seminar: Dr. Feodor F. KARPESHIN, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, "Laser Assisted internal conversion processes in nuclei", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Dr. Haik Simon, Kernreaktionen, GSI, "Stepping stones across the dripline", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Dr. habil Hans-Jürgen Wollersheim, Gammaspectroscopy group, GSI:"PreSPEC - Gamma-spectroscopy on the way towards NUSTAR", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Yoritaka Iwata, EMMI, GSI: "Time-dependent density functional calculations applied to the synthesis of superheavy elements", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Klaas Vantournhout, GSI: "Fermionic molecular dynamics: Can it be used to cook nuclear pasta?" Hörsaal Seitenraum, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Lise-Lotte Andersson for the TASISpec-TASCA collaboration, GSI and HIM, Mainz, "Multi-Coincidence Spectroscopy of Superheavy Nuclei", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2012 at GSI Helmholtzzentrum