NUSTAR Events Archive:
Prof. Dr. V.Z. Goldberg, Texas A&M University, Cyclotron Institute, "Unusual nuclear structure revealed by resonance scattering", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 10:30 am
Dennis Weber, GSI, "Short-range correlations in light nuclei studied with realistic interactions", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 10:30 am
Philip Woods, University of Edinburgh, "Advances in Explosive Nuclear Astrophysics", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am
Wolfgang Plass, GSI and Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, "First On-Line Mass Measurements at the FRS Ion Catcher", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am
Christian Droese, GSI Darmstadt and Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald, "SHIPTRAP – The gateway towards high-precision mass measurements of superheavy Elements", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am
Christoph Caesar, GSI Darmstadt, "Beyond the Neutron Dripline: The Unbound Oxygen Isotopes 25-O and 26-O", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am