NUSTAR Events Archive:
Dr. Leonid Grigorenko, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, " "Democratic" decays. Importance of initial state structure and reaction mechanism treatment", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am
Dr. Jürgen Gerl, GSI, "Towards NUSTAR at FAIR", Theory Seminar Room, SB3 3.170a, 11:00 am
Dr. F.P. Heßberger, "Nuclear Structure of the Heaviest Elements – Investigated at SHIP - GSI", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI
NUSTAR Seminar: Dr. Yuri Litvinov, GSI Darmstadt, "Masses and half-lives of exotic nuclei addressed with storage rings", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI.

NUSTAR Seminar: Dr. Alfredo Estrade, GSI Darmstadt and Saint Mary's University (Halifax, Canada), "Study of proton distribution on neutron-rich boron isotopes through charge-changing cross section measurements", Theory Seminar Room, 11:00 am, GSI