NUSTAR Week 2017 in Ljubljana


The NUSTAR Collaboration met in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from September 25 to 29 during the NUSTAR Week 2017. This was the 9th international meeting in a series, this time hosted by the Jozef Stefan Institute.

The meeting was well attended by scientists from 18 countries, discussing this time in particular details on the Phase-0 program of NUSTAR at GSI and defining the start configurations of the experimental setups for the Day-1 operation at FAIR. The NUSTAR Week started with sub-collaboration meetings of Super-FRS Experiment, HISPEC/DESPEC, and MATS/LaSpec, where technical issues, status of construction and planning were extensively discussed.

The plenary program of the meeting was opened with warm and encouraging welcome addresses by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport Prof. Maja Makovec Brenčič and the Director of the Jozef Stefan Institute Prof. Jadran Lenarčič. This was followed by the enthusiastic presentations of Prof. Paolo Giubellino, Scientific Managing Director of FAIR, and Prof. Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki, Spokesperson of NUSTAR, providing latest information on the status of the FAIR project and the NUSTAR Collaboration, respectively.

As a special topic, Slovenian contributions to the FAIR project were presented, for example systems of the FAIR control system as provided by the company Cosylab. Reports on recent scientific achievements and progress in instrumentation of the NUSTAR sub-collaborations as well as results from other facilities were discussed in light of the upcoming beam time period at GSI, called FAIR Phase-0.

For details see conference web page here.