[France] Call for Applications – PROCOPE-MOBILITY 2025
25.02.2025 |
Are you a young researcher in Germany? Are you thinking about a research stay in France?
Applications have opened for the Procope-Mobility scholarship programme from the Science and Technology Service of the French Embassy in Germany. This programme supports the mobility of young researchers belonging to a Germany-based university or research institution to France.
These mobility grants allow participants to carry out a 1 to 3 month-long research stay at a university or research institute in France. The programme is divided into a general call for applications and a specific call for applications for European universities. The start of the research stay must take place between 1 May and 31 December 2025.
Doctoral candidates, postdocs and early career researchers (within seven years of defending the dissertation) are eligible to participate. Program participants receive a lump sum of EUR 1600 per month for doctoral students and EUR 2100 per month for postdocs and junior researchers. Additionally, under the "Ambassade verte" programme, a travel allowance (EUR 250) is granted to beneficiaries who use environmentally friendly means of transport to travel to France.
Consultation at ICO: Internal consultation and deadline for submission & check: 07 March 2024
Application process:
The application documents must be submitted in pdf format at the following address by March 10, 2025 at the latest: attache-science.berlin-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr. Results will be communicated by mid April 2025.
More information about programme: https://www.wissenschaft-frankreich.de/procope-mobilitaet
Contact at Funding agency:
Marie-Léa Rousseau, attache-science.berlin-amb(at)diplomatie.gouv.fr
Attaché for Science and Technology:
French Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany
Pariser Platz 5, D-10117 Berlin
Tel. : +49 30 590 03 9255
Contact at GSI:
Dr. Pradeep Ghosh
Head International Cooperations
Tel.: +49-6159-71- 3257 / 3555
Email: International(at)fair-center.eu or International(at)gsi.de