Reasons to GET_INvolved

International Environment
People from more than 50 nations work with the new accelerator facility FAIR and the existing accelerator facility GSI. Some of them work permanently here in Darmstadt, Germany, others come in for a certain period of time to do experiments. What they all share is their passion for science – which gives you an excellent environment to get to know different cultures and make international contacts.

Integrated into Projects
By working with the new accelerator facility FAIR, you will be part of one of the most exciting research projects on the globe. All internship, traineeship, sandwich Ph.D. and postdoc projects are integrated into work packages for FAIR. That means that you will literally get involved with FAIR.

Interdisciplinary Work
Not only that people working with FAIR and GSI come from all over the world, they also work in many different disciplines: Physics, of course, is the most prominent one. But to realize a giant project like FAIR and to exploit the enormous research potential FAIR and GSI offer already today, engineers, computer scientists, material scientists, chemists, biologists, and physicians bring in the expertise of their field.

Access to Lectures
GET_INvolved participants have the opportunity to attend regular lectures on campus (plus those at the near-by universities of Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Mainz) and join extraordinary talks of re-known scientists as well as the big FAIR collaborations meetings. During summer time, they are cordially invited to attend the lectures of the International Summer Student Programme of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research at GSI.

Acquiring Hard/Soft skills
Apart from training on their professional hard skills such as the ability to build up complex systems, GET_INvolved participants will also acquire soft skills like communication, teamwork and leadership skills that will help the participants train for their future jobs