GET_INvolved China 2019 – Second Call


The second call for the 2019 GET_INvolved Programme for China (in the frame of Helmholtz - OCPC Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme) comprises of 11 projects at Helmholtz Centre GSI in Darmstadt and Helmholtz Institute in Mainz (HIM), both in Germany.


The Office of the China Postdoctoral Council (OCPC) advertises the projects throughout China. The applicants interested in these projects need to apply in China with the OCPC application portal. After a successful application is made in due time, a first level of selection is performed by OCPC. The final selection of candidates will be made at GSI and HIM, respectively. The first postdocs are expected in Germany at the beginning of 2020.


Eligibility to apply for this jointly funded fellowship Programme is limited to Chinese nationals who are either recent graduated with PhD or expecting to graduate soon. Please read for specific project related eligibility at the projects advertised on application page.

Overview on the projects advertised for 2019 (second call):


CodeTopics / Project Title
GSI01Evaluation of the Picosecond Frontend Electronics for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
GSI02Development of the data processing framework for the CBM
GSI03Readout chain for the CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS)
GSI05Experiments with thermalized exotic nuclei for nuclear astrophysics
GSI06Fundamental Physics, Atomic, Molecular and optical Physics
GSI07Advanced development for reliable operation of high intensity heavy ion source and ECR ion sources
GSI08Commissioning of the HITRAP cooling Penning trap
GSI09Setup and commissioning of a high intensity EBIT for CRYRING@ESR
GSI10Development of FPGAs based data acquisition system for future experiment at FAIR Darmstadt
GSI11Motion mitigation for lung cancer ion beam therapy under clinical conditions
GSI12Study of radiative properties of warm-dense matter generated by intense heavy-ion beams



Application Portal

The application portal and guidelines on how to apply for the above Programme can be found at the website of the <link _blank external-link-new-window "Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fenster">Office of China Postdoc Council (OCPC)</link>. Please

do not submit your application directly to the GET_INvolved application portal.


More information


The Programme information about the present call are available at <link _blank external-link-new-window "Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fenster">Helmholtz website – Beijing Office (in Chinese)</link>


