Experiment & Collaboration Publications

Technical Design Report: A high-resolution asymmetric von Hamos spectrometer for low-energy X-ray spectroscopy at the CRYRING electron cooler. English, June 2020, 21 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of an In-ring Spectrometer for Nuclear Reaction Studies at CRYRING. English, January 2018, 19 pages.
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Technical Design Report: The CRYRING Internal Jet Target. English, February 2018, 21 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the CRY-RIMS CRYRING-Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy. English, February 2018, 26 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of a Target Chamber for Ion Beam Driven Interaction Experiments. English, July 2017, 63 pages.
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Technical Design Report: Experimental Instrumentation of CRYRING @ ESR. English, 96 pages.
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maXs - Cryogenic Micro-Calorimeter Arrays for High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Experiments at FAIR - Technical Design Report. English, 2014, 31 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the SiM-X Project: Silicon Microcalorimeters for high-precision X-ray spectroscopy. English, 19 pages.
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Technical Design Report: The SPECTRAP Experiment. English, March 2015, 12 pages.
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Technical Design Report: Superconducting Final Focussing System (FFS) or Large-Aperture High-Gradient Superconducting Quadrupoles for HEDgeHOB experiments. English, April 2013, 31 pages.
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Technical Design Report: Beam Matching Section with Normal-conducting Quadrupoles in Plasma Physics Beamline in the APPA-Cave at FAIR - Including Beam diagnostics and the Vacuum System. English, January 2018, 87 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the RF multi-cell deflector (wobbler) for LAPLAS experiment. English, 79 pages.
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Technical Design Report: PRIOR - Proton Microscope for FAIR. English, October 2016, 43 pages.
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Diagnostic instrumentation for plasma physics experiments at the APPA cave. English, 26 pages.
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Laser-based pump-probe equipment for the APPA cave at FAIR. Technical Design Report for the HEDgeHOB/WDM collaborations at FAIR. English, December 2014, 32 pages.
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The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System for Plasma Physics Experiments for FAIR. English, May 2014, 13 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Micro Vertex Detector (MVD). English, December 2021, 155 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Superconducting Dipole Magnet. English, October 2013, 87 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detector. English, June 2013, 215 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS). English, October 2013, 175 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Time-of-Flight System (TOF). English, October 2014, 194 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the CBM Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD). English, July 2015, 79 pages.
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The CBM Physics Book - Compressed Baryonic Matter in Laboratory Experiments. English, January 2011, 980 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the HISPEC/DESPEC Beam Line, Infrastucture and Tracking Detectors. English, November 2018, 75 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the DESPEC Beta Decay Total Absortion Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (DTAS). English, April 2012, 31 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the DESPEC Germanium Array Spectrometer DEGAS. English, August 2014, 41 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the DESPEC MOdular Neutron time of flight SpectromeTER (MONSTER). English, December 2013, 49 pages.
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Technical Report. LYCCA - the Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter. English, June 2008, 36 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the HISPEC plunger device. English, March 2014, 18 pages.
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Technical Report for the BEta-deLayEd Neutron detector (BELEN). English, January 2014, 44 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA). English, November 2008, 25 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of FATIMA, the FAst TIMing Array. English, March 2015, 33 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Active Target for FAIR (ACTAF) for the R³B experiment. English, 91 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of The CALIFA Endcap. English, August 2015, 137 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of The CALIFA Barrel: The R³B CALorimeter for In Flight detection of ϒ rays and high energy charged pArticles. English, November 2011, 168 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of NeuLAND: The High-Resolution Neutron Time-of-Flight Spectrometer for R³B. English, November 2011, 121 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Tracking Detectors for R³B. English, November 2014, 144 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the setup EXPERT: Exotic Particle Emission and Radioactivity by Tracking. English, December 2016, 77 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Schottky Detector System for ILIMA. English, January 2019, 56 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Heavy Ion Detector for ILIMA. English, October 2018, 45 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design, Construction and Commissioning of the Dual TOF-Detector System for ILIMA. English, December 2017, 48 pages.
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MATS & LaSpec TDR - Technical Design Report for high-precision experiments with traps and lasers on exotic isotopes at FAIR. English, September 2009, 198 pages.
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Technical Report for the Design of the NUSTAR Data AcQuisition System (DAQ). English, August 2018, 96 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector. English, August 2017, 120 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Muon System. Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons. English, approved September 2012, 152 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Internal Targets. The Cluster-Jet Target and Developments for the Pellet Target. English, March 2012, 123 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Straw Tube Tracker (STT). Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons. English, 2013, 104 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector (MVD). Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons. English, November 2011, 198 pages.
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Physics Performance Report for PANDA. Strong Interaction Studies with Antiprotons. English, March 2009, 216 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets. English, February 2009, 119 pages.
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Technical Design Report for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC). English, 199 pages.
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