Call for Applications - IGSTC Industrial Fellowship


Fellowships are offered at two levels:

  • PhD Industrial Exposure Fellowship - Young researchers who have completed one year of their PhD course in Science/Engineering from India and with an age limit of 30 yrs are eligible. The duration of the Fellowship is up to six months.
  • Post Doctoral Industrial Fellowship – Fresh PhDs in Science/Engineering with an age limit of 35 yrs (and within 3 years of completion of PhDs from Indian institutes/universities) are eligible. Talented researchers not holding a permanent position or having a career break satisfying above age and PhD criteria are also eligible. The duration of Fellowship is up to twelve months.

Applicants would need to identify the industry/industrial research organisation in Germany and have to submit consent letters from the host industry in Germany and their mentor from India.

What can be funded:

The financial support will be limited to:

  • PhD Industrial Exposure Fellowship: € 1500 per month;
  • Post Doctoral Industrial Fellowship: € 2500 per month;
  • Single round trip economy class airfare including visa fees and travel insurance: up to € 1000.
  • Health Insurance: As per actuals with a maximum limit of € 100/month


Internal consultation and deadline for submission & check: 15 March 2023

Closing date for applications at IGSTC portal:

31 March 2023

More information about programme:

Dr. Pradeep Ghosh
Head of International Cooperations
Office of International Programme for Students & Researchers
Tel.: +49-6159-71- 3257 / 3555
Email: International(at) or International(at)
